Schaublin 70 and 102 Parts: Overhead Drive for Milling and Grinding Attachments
Sold: Used Schaublin Accessories: Overhead Drive for Milling and Grinding Attachments for Schaublin 70 or 102
This is fixed on a machined boss at the rear of the base. It comprises a three-phase motor 76800, 1420 rpm- 1/3 hp, mounted on a intermediate plate with a bore for taking the belt-tensioning attachment and an adjustable and swivelling belt-tensioning attachment with four loose pulleys 102-95-222 with four stepped grooves.
Schaublin number 102-95.100 belt-tensioning attachment
Schaublin number 102-95.200 intermediate plate
Schaublin number 102-95.222 pulleys
Schaublin number 76.800 Motor
polycord belt
Weight 20.2Kg